the covers of Chameleon and Lower One's Eyes that Circus made are both very neat for different reasons, because of how different Sol's voice sounds in both of them (yet both work really well for the songs themselves, and I think that's neat!) Plus, both songs are covered in Japanese despite the fact that SOLARIA's voicebank was only recorded in English, so I also think that that's very impressive that she still sounds as good as she does in the covers, considering she's singing in a language she wasn't designed to.

I just really like the style of it, and I know a few of the producer's other songs as well, so that probably helped! Plus, a lot of the lyrics fit really well with Aria, my Kingdom Hearts self-insert, so that also makes me happy when I hear the song. However, of the ones that I have found, my favourite original song using Sol is probably Aura, one of her demo songs.

I think part of the problem is that she is an expensive voicebank with no lite version available yet, unlike a lot of other Synth V vocals (though I think they have said one might be coming up sometime in the future?) I've actually been kind of surprised at what, to me, feels like a low amount of songs that have been sung or covered by SOLARIA that I've found. Hello, friend! It's always lovely to hear from you I hope you've been alright recently. Hi, Echo! Do you have any favourite Solaria songs/covers so far? :)